Summer Craft Kits

Summer Craft Kits

It’s summertime! I am definitely ready for a break from the day to day routine, but I’m also not crazy about my kids having a lot of time with not as much structure to keep them busy. Boredom can quickly set in as the initial excitement of a break from school fades away. We have only been out of school for four days, and I’ve already heard the dreaded words of “I’m bored” more than I care to admit!

My kids are getting older, so I don’t have to be quite as hands on with them all anymore, but my youngest would still spend every hour on our Nintendo Switch if I would let him. Obviously, I don’t want him playing video games all day, so I have to get strategic on how I keep him entertained. He has the things that he is required to do each day: read, complete a page in a summer workbook, do a little Chinese (he’s in an immersion program), and play outside. My favorite thing on his list is “create something.” Creating can be many things, but I try to have a few things on hand every summer (and all year round!) to make it easier to find things to make or do. You probably have a lot of these things at home already, but I put together a list of my favorites, including some new faves, to help you get started!

Amazon Faves

All items from this list can also be found in my Amazon Storefront. I am an Amazon affiliate, so I receive a commission from products purchased through my links.

Summer Games and Activities

While this list won’t conquer all summer boredom, it is a great place to start! You can find all of these items and more on my Amazon Storefront. If you have the supplies and activities handy, it makes it much easier for kids to find something to do in those slow moments! Enjoy your summer!

Yarn Ghosts Four Ways

Yarn Ghosts Four Ways

Beaded Bow Ornaments

Beaded Bow Ornaments